Friday, April 13

Business Awards Finalists

Carse & Waterman Productions were honoured to be nominated for The Sentinel's Start Up Business of the Year Award 2011.

We were nominated alongside 2 fellow startup companies in Stoke On Trent:

For Tyres Ltd -
A Car and Van specialist helping people get the best price for there repair needs helping people keep a car on a budget.  

...and the category winner:

Barewall Ltd -

An Original art shop and gallery.Providing a great platform for artists based in the midlands to sell there work.

Congratulations to Barewall Ltd on taking the prize we wish our fellow nominees best of luck in the future of their business.

Here is our amazing finalist certificate we were awarded with.

Thank You to Keele University Science and Business Park for Supporting the award.

D. Waterman

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your kind words guys. Your video looked amazing and the audience were stunned by your portfolio. Good luck in the future as I am sure you have many awards to come.
    Best wishes
    Barewall Gallery
